onsdag, juni 04, 2008

När man inte har något bättre för sig..

Det hela går ut på att man sätter sin musikspelare i shuffle-läge så att den slumpar fram låtarna. Därefter trycker man fram en låt för varje fråga nedan.
Låttiteln är svaret, hur dumt det än blir.
Här kommer mitt resultat:

Will it be ok?
Hur svårt kan det vara

How are you feeling today?
Leave me alone

How do your friends see you?
Lips of an Angel

Will you get married?

What’s your best friends themesong?

What is the story of your life?
Because the night

What was high school like?
That is where I´ll go

How can you get ahead in life?
Vill du ligga med mig

What is the best thing about your friends?
Det vackraste

What is tonight going to be like?
Curly Sue

What song describes you?
Bleeding love

Describe your grandparents?
Line of Fire

How is your life going?

What song will they play at your funeral?
Lay your love on me

How does the world see you?
Just hate me

Will you have a happy life?
Empty room

What do your friends really think of you?
What hurts the most

Do people secretly lust after you?

How can i make myself happy?
Just like a pill

What should you do with your life?
Sk8ter boy

Will you ever have children?
what if

ja vad ska man säga..
lite skoj var det.

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